Your First Name* Your Last Name* (Include maiden name if applicable) Your Email* Your Current City Your Current State Your Occupational Field Your Job Title Years Attended RHS* 1975-79 / All Four Years1975-76 / Freshman Year1976-77 / Sophomore Year1977-78 / Junior Year1978-79 Senior Year Your Life Story (after RHS) Your Current Picture You can submit a picture for publication on the Alumni List via the upload utility below using files in the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .png or .tiff. Other file types are not accepted. Your Class Picture You can submit a picture for publication on the Alumni List via the upload utility below using files in the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .png or .tif. Other file types are not accepted. Alumni Listing Preference(Please include my information in the Alumni Listing as indicated for each checkbox checked as indicated below:)> NameEmail AddressPhoneCity/StateOccupational InformationLife StoryNo, I prefer to not have any of my information listed in the Alumni Listing. I give permission for RHS-1979 Alumni Organizers to contact me periodically to provide me with alumni news and information. Anti-Spam Security Quiz 10+5=? Items marked above with an * are required fields. By pressing the Send button below, I hereby authorize the information I provided herein, to be recorded and maintained for future reference by the RHS-1979 Alumni Organizers to facilitate the alumni related activities of the group.